Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Oh Hunnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaay

So with winter here, we all know our skin could use some TLC. Harsh artificial heat, wool sweaters, and lack of moisture in the hair probably has everyone’s skin on flake mode. So on a scale of 1 to Sahara, how dry is your skin? OK, you probably are closer to the dry side. And on a scale of 1 to MC Hammer, how broke are you? Me? I’m close to MC Hammer. So, give you skin some caring for right in your house, for a fraction of the coast of some spa services. The secret ingredient for this... .

Yes girl honey! Not just a sweetners, but a real beauty secret. Honey is a potent natural anti-microbial and is actually very soothing and healing. You see a difference after the very first use. Its also said that honey pulls toxins right out of the skin and is amazing for acne prone skin.
Honey is also said to be good for anti aging. So for those of use at the age where we don’t have wrinkles but worried they are approaching (sad face), this is a handy little tool.  Cleopatra was said to use raw honey as part of her skin and hair care treatments to keep her looking youthful. This natural healing agent contains an enzyme called glucose oxidase, that when combined with water, produces hydrogen peroxide, a mild antiseptic. In addition to the glucose oxidase enzyme, honey also contains antioxidants and flavonoids that may function as antibacterial agents. Honey is also a great natural moisturizer for dry and parched skin. A humectant, it is able to attract and retain moisture, and rebuild the moisture level in the skin without making it oily. Honey provides a calming effect without irritating the skin, and helps replenish necessary skin moisture, especially during the winter months. And because it's so gentle, it is suitable for sensitive skin and baby care products.

So, here are some quick at home remedies for skin maintenance with honey as an ingredient:

Oatmeal, Honey, and Egg White Mask: If you want a more intense mix, combine 1 cup of plain oatmeal and 1/2 cup of honey to one egg white. This will create more of a paste like texture, which will really help hydrate your skin.

Oats, Honey, and Apple Vinegar Exfoliant: If you’re feeling more adventurous, take 2-3 teaspoons of raw oats and pulverize them in a grinder. Take the ground oats and mix in honey (you can use your judgment on how thick you want it to be) and 1/4 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar until it creates a smooth texture. Add in 1 drop of basil oil or tea tree oil, which will help your skin heal faster. These can be found in health food stores or Korean groceries.  (tip- for regular exfoliation make large circular rotations. For places on your faces that need a bit my exfoliation or treatment, make smaller circles. The smaller the circles, the better the removal of dry skin. Don’t go crazy and make small circles all willy nilly though, you don’t want that pretty face irritated.)

Honey Exfoliator:  Combine 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt. Baking soda will help polish the skin while the sea salt exfoliates. Add honey to create paste.

Other Honey facts:

You know I have to through in a hair fact. Honey is actually a great addition on to regular deep conditioners. It ups the moisture and has a bit of protein in it. This is better for lighter hair colors though since it is also said to have lightening properties. For my dark hair homies, try molasses. Same concept, different product.
Fasting on honey and lemon-juice, , is highly beneficial in a weight loss regimen without the loss of energy and appetite. Mix one teaspoon of raw honey with the juice of two teaspoons of lime or lemon.  Add mix in a glass of room temperature or lukewarm water (not boiling water!). Take this remedy as a wake-up drink once in the morning on a empty stomach. Also commonly taken after a big and oily meal, this simple delicious tonic is an effective digestive and detox aide.
Hope this helps. Can’t have you cuddling with your boo feeling like an alligator!
Looks nice right?

Stay Cute!

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Great Debate

So, I should be ashamed! This should of been the first post I ever put on this blog. But better late than never right?!?! (y'all better say right. lol). Every ones hair is different. Has different needs and likes and dislikes. Hs a personality. Ive actually named my mane Dingo, because as cute and inviting as it looks, its still a wild animal, touch with caution. But, in terms to the great debate, you have to take the time to see if your hair craves Moisture or Protein.

So what I am going to do is use the article I read years go to guide this post. Im cheating a bit but Ive referred a few people to this post through out the years, why not stick with what works! You can read the whole thing here, but I am going to pullout the key factors from "The Science Of Black Hair" that I have used and know to be facts. I also added some notes in black and bolded some key points! Enjoy!

For black hair in particular, hair breakage is typically a result of an imbalance of important forces within the hair strand: moisture and protein levels.
Hair needs water to maintain its elasticity, or ability to stretch. Since water is the ultimate moisturizer, water-based products are best for really getting the greatest moisture benefit.
Moisturizers are simply products that are water-based and nourish your hair deep within the strand. Products with moisturizing properties tend to be your conditioners and other specific moisturizer sprays or creams. Moisturizers may also contain large amounts of protein, but these protein based moisturizers do not have the moisturizing benefit that moisture-based moisturizers have. Check labels to gauge protein content. Good moisturizers will not contain cheap, filler ingredients like petrolatum, mineral oil, or lanolin (very good point). Avoid products that claim moisturizing benefits and contain these ingredients. There is nothing moisturizing about them! Petrolatum and mineral oil are sealants that seal out the precious moisture our hair needs. (Mineral Oil can actually clog your scalp pores and stunt growth and block good moisturizing properties, from absorbing into hair shaft. Another reason you should stay away from Oil Sheen. Its actually very harmful to your hair) 
Sealing in your Moisturizers:
Our hair naturally contains moisture, but because our hair is also naturally porous, keeping the moisture inside is a difficult task. Providing additional sources of outside moisture, or external moisture supplementation, is a must for black hair care. Water molecules and moisture from these supplemental moisturizing products easily pass into the hair shaft, but they pass out just as easily. The moisture you apply needs to held in by something. Oil.
Natural oils like jojoba, olive, carrot, or coconut oil (a miracle oil in my eyes) seem to work best. (Avocado i my favorite and helps with frizziness)
A light coating of oil after your daily moisturizer will help seal the moisture inside. Oils are made of large molecules. These molecules are too large to absorbed by the hair strand. Applying oils to the hair and scalp will coat them and trap the moisture that is inside on the inside and the moisture that is outside on the outside. The key is to use the oil to "lock in the moisture." If you use oils without a moisturizer or before one, the oil will seal the moisture out of the hair strand and lead to a coated feel and eventual dryness. This technique of moisturizing and sealing has really been helpful to me and is a resonating hallmark of my regimen. Fighting hair breakage and achieving moisturizing success is all in the order in which you apply your products. (For those of you that wear straight styles, try a drop of jojoba as a sealant. the other oils are heavy and will weigh your hair down.)
REMEMBER! Oils DO NOT Moisturize
Perhaps a words like "nourish" would be better than moisturize. Oil alone will not and cannot moisturize within the hair shaft. An oil (grease) can only coat the outside of the strand, and give it shine- the illusion of moisture. Oil molecules are hydrophobic which means they repel and do not readily mix with water. Remember, if you apply an oil product to your hair before you have added a moisturizing product, you have created a seal on your hair strand that water and moisture cannot penetrate.
Protein is what gives the hair its strength and structure. Hair is about 70% keratin protein by nature. There are a wide variety of proteins that serve different functions and roles in hair care. Some enhance elasticity, while others reduce it. These proteins bind to the hair cuticle and help temporarily rebuild any weakened areas. Protein-based products reinforce the hair shaft, and help it remain strong enough to fight breakage.
Some proteins are stronger than others, but daily or even weekly use of even the milder protein treatments may result in an imbalance between the protein and moisture levels within the hair strands in some people. This is where product percent composition really plays an important role. For example, every product that contains keratin protein is not going to feel the same way across the board, and every product that contains glycerin or water is not going to feel the same either! The protein in question could make up 30% of the product or 0.3%! Who knows! You have to play around with different products to know how strong they are on your particular hair. Your hair protein tolerance will vary from product to product, not necessarily protein to protein.
Protein is found most prevalently in products like instant conditioners (bargain brands like Suave and V05), leave-in conditioners, protein reconstructor (reconstructor is a KEY word to let you know its a protein. Also if it says it contains keratin) conditioner treatments, and even some moisturizers.
Women with relaxed or color treated hair need more protein than others. If you are relaxed or color treated, those processes have compromised the protein structure of your hair. Relaxing and coloring breaks protein bonds, and depending on the type and strength of the relaxer, and level of bond breakage you incur, you will need more or less protein than someone else. There are also some people whose hair is more protein deficient by nature (genetics, low protein dietary intake), so they require more regular protein than others to keep the balance intact. At the end of the day, you must experiment and get to know your own head of hair.
You Can't Have one Without the other!
The unique relationship that exists between the protein and moisture balances within the hair strand is not simply a case of balancing opposing forces one over the other to prevent hair breakage. These two components work together synergistically to produce a healthy head of hair, and neither can work well without the other. Keeping the hair balanced between these two entities is very important. Protein loss from chemical treatments is almost always followed by a moisture loss of some degree. Hair that is properly proteinated absorbs moisture more efficiently because water molecules bind easily to a sound protein structure within the hair. Achieving the proper balance involves using the right combinations of protein and moisture based products for your hair type. 
When the balance is thrown off by too much protein
Hair that is shifted too far on the protein side will break easier, both wet and dry, because it lacks elasticity. Elasticity is what allows us to style, stretch, and manipulate our hair without breakage. Hair that breaks with very little tension or stretching is a sign of an overabundance of protein, and a deficiency of moisture. Any type of stretching or tension will break it because the protein goes in and adds structure to the hair. Too much structure makes the hair rigid, and decreases its elasticity. The result? Brittle, breakage-prone hair. 
If this describes your hair at any time listen up! To correct this imbalance, you will need to go into a simple deep conditioning and moisturizing regimen. Protein induced breakage conditions can take several weeks to correct repair, and this form of breakage requires much more intensive conditioning and treatment than moisture induced breakage does. It is by far one of the most aggressive and common forms of breakage. It is much easier to overload your hair with protein and cause breakage, than to overload your hair with moisture and cause breakage. That is why if you are not sure what is causing your hair breakage, you should always try giving it moisture first. Depending on your level of breakage, this regimen may need to be followed for consecutive washes.
Clarify (Clarifying you hair is using a clarifying or stripping shampoo with that that is a bit harsher than normal shampoos and works extra hard to make your hair extra clean. It removes stubborn products that regular shampoo just cant. If you are worried about the way your hair will react or the harshness try mixing 1 part baking sea and 3 parts luke warm water and stir tip dissolved and use that as a mild rinse.) your hair with a really good stripping shampoo to remove any excess product buildup. Then, deep condition your hair for 30-45 minutes once, preferably twice a week with heat with a thick, creamy moisturizing deep conditioner. Apply a water-based moisturizer to your hair, concentrating on the ends daily. I would watch out for excess protein in common products like leave in conditioners, moisturizers, gels, and instant conditioners like Suave and V05. Protein hides in a lot of everyday products, so avoid those for a few weeks until your moisture balance is corrected. This will give your hair a chance to even out the protein/moisture balance. A list of product recommendations can be found at the end of this article.
When the balance is thrown off by too much moisture
Yes! There is such a thing as "over-conditioning" the hair  Hair that is shifted too far on the moisture side will be "super-elastic" and stretch more because it lacks a sound protein structure. Many people describe the feel of over-conditioned and over-moisturized hair as "mush-like" or "overly soft," especially when wet. This kind of hair has a weak, limp, spongy feel to it. Protein deficient hair will tend to pull and stretch along with the comb and then break. It will always stretch first then break because of the low structural protein stores, and overabundance of moisture. Does this describe your hair? Listen up!
To solve this problem, you will need some kind of protein to give the hair structure again. Moisture Induced hair breakage is typically corrected in one protein deep conditioning session. The mildest forms can be corrected by simply moisturizing the hair twice a day with a protein-based water based moisturizer. For mild breakage, Aphogee (when i first started my hair journey, Aphogee saved my hair. Legitimately) 2 minute keratin reconstructor works very well. For moderate to heavy breakage, apply a moderate protein conditioner like Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayo to the hair for about 20-30 minutes, then rinse. For serious or long standing forms of moisture induced breakage opt for a heavier protein treatment like Aphogee Treatment for Damaged Hair.
Even if your hair is stretching without breakage you should use a light protein product to correct this. When your hair stretches, the strand "thins" and becomes weaker across the cross section. It may not break right then at that very point in time, but stretched out of and beyond its shape, it is compromised and will eventually break at some other point. Your hair should be springing back to position. If it's stretching and stretching without breaking it may be your hair's way of telling you, "Hey, I need a little structure (protein) here! I'm getting waaaay too elastic, but not yet enough to break-- so do something now!" This is where a preventive maintenance protein application would come in. You don't have to wait for breakage to act. Your hair is telling you now! Start light, and work from there. You may not need a heavy protein treatment just yet.

Monday, October 8, 2012

NY Make-up Artist! Special Feature!

Its that time again! We have another Special Feature!

This week its a very good friend of mine. Very few people share my hustle mentality (Make that money, don't let it make you)… Keisha is one of them. She works her ass off and makes it look fun and flawless. Plus she pretty effing dope.

 Check out her bio below. Check out her Instagram at @Keeshology and email her at LadyK.Artistry@gmail.com for lessons/tutorials or to get your make-up done for that special occasion. 

"Lakeisha Dale was born and raised in the Bronx. She is a self taught makeup artist who has spent more than half her life following her dreams. At the tender age of 13, she began experimenting with different makeup techniques; often mimicking what she found on the pages of her favorite magazines; such as Vogue, Teen Vogue, and Harper's Bazar. After studying fashion at Fashion Industries High School, she continued on to receive her AAS in fashion design at FIT.

Although she considers fashion to be her first love, the art of makeup holds a special place in her heart. She is able to use her creativity, as well as her skill, to help her clients look and feel fabulous. The reward of seeing her clients satisfied and confident is something she holds very highly. Along her road toward success, Lakeisha has been the makeup artist for multiple Roca Wear productions; such as fashion shows and look books. Her experience also includes working on commission for weddings, parties, etc. She also enjoys teaching her clients about makeup, and providing them with simple looks that they can use every day 

Despite the struggles that life has thrown at her, she has always remained focused. Her world revolves around beauty, and the true definition of being an independent woman. As time goes by, her love for makeup continues to grow. Lakeisha has big dreams in both the fashion and makeup world. Her hard work, passion, and never ending drive, continue to keep her focused and determined."

Im OBSESSED- OCC Lip Tar Review

Hey guys…

So this weekend was my Alma Maters homecoming. Temple University homecoming is my FAVORITE time of year. I legit think we are the best university with the closest relationship. Some of this people I had not seen in almost a year so you know I had to have my hair looking good. What I’m not an expert at (but thank God I have a few friends who are) is makeup. I buy make-up like crazy but don’t do the wild designs and applications… but best believe I get my point across. I love bold lips especially. It’s a big thing that doesn’t require a lot of work.

Wearing Hoochie… Ironic since Im an angel :-)

So, let’s get to the point. I decided to step out using my Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics (or OCC as it’s commonly known) Lip Tar. I won this after participating in a twitter give away 

(Shout out to @MakeupbyPatty and follow her twitter and Check her site!). 

Here is some of her work… she worked with my Favorite supermodel...  Jeanette Nicole.. Follow both their IGs at @NettyByNature and @MakeUpGyspy

I won the Purple pack. I love a purple lip. I’m not a fan of pink (tho I have about 10 pink glosses/lipsticks) so purple is my eclectic alternative. The pack consisted of 4 different shades of purple; Hoochie, Katricia, Strumpet, and Narcissus. I brought down Hoochie and Katricia to Philly and did a mix. The result? Everyone at our tailgate complimenting me on my lips.

Ignore the faces… peep the lip.

OCC is actually a 100% percent Vegan and Cruelty free make-up line. I actually heard about them a while back (like years ago) and their Lip Tar but the price deterred me. They are about $16 per tube. However, after winning these, I realize they are definitely worth the investment. I LOVE THESE THINGS! However, I didn’t realize how many people did not know about them. Any one who I told about them (which included some make up artists) gave me the BBM confused face. So here is the rundown.

Occ lip tar is not a gloss. Its not a lipstick. Honestly, I don’t know what it is. I would say its best described as a potent, extremely vibrant lip stain. Or a liquid lipstick. Its very watery and runny (I recommend applying it with a lip brush so you don’t overuse and have a to potent, feathered lip and waste this precious product lol). And it doesn’t really feel moisturizing so you might want to moisturize your lips a bit (when i say a bit… i mean like 30-45 mins) before putting it on, but at the same time it doesn’t dry your lips out. It’s extremely light, like you have nothing on. I kept checking my lips to make sure I was still wearing it, but it was definitely still there. I ate and drank and checked again, still there, and still vibrant. Here is their description of it:

“A stunning new innovation in lip color, OCC Lip Tar combines the longevity of a lipstick, with the ease of application of a gloss. Goes on slick and moist, and dries down to a satin finish. Ultra-saturated in color, Lip Tar contains an unprecedented amount of pigment - a little goes a very, very long way! An intense yet featherweight layer of color that never looks or feels heavy. Meant to be mixed, Lip Tar comes in concise array of colors for a limitless selection of shades made by you! A simple, elegant formula that contains Hemp Oil, Peppermint Oil and Vitamin E, OCC Lip Tar feels as good on the lips as it looks!

DIRECTIONS: Apply the tiniest bead of Lip Tar with our newly-included #010S Short-Handled Precision Lip Brush for complete, opaque coverage, either mixed with other shades or on its own. Applying too much product can result in feathering outside the lip line, so remember: a little goes a very long way!”

There are 40 colors, If you buy them all (which I doubt any of you are..lol), you can receive 10% off. They also give qualifying Makeup Artists, Hair Stylists, Nail Technicians, Models, Photographers and other Industry Professionals a 20% discount on all OCC Cosmetic Products purchased for professional use.  Check the OCC Lip Tar Website to see all their colors and order. Give them a look and if you decide to buy PLEASE let me know. Id love to hear/see your results, the colors that you used, and how you mixed them! And check them out on Instagram at OCCLipTar. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Feature and Support!

One of the things I saw as a vision for this blog as it grew, was that I would feature people I know with small or start-up health/beauty/fashion related businesses. Ordinary people with extraordinary talents. A lot of people do better job than salons or products that have been over saturated by branding, gimmicks, and/or just popularity. My vision is that we support each other Physically, emotionally, mentally, *coughandmonetarilycough*…

Note- No matter how dear any of these people are to my heart, I have tried and trust their products. I love my friends but i aint putting bullshit on this blog… lol

Today I put this vision in effect… And I start with one thats dear to my heart. My sister from another mister. She is 1/3 of a start up Hair Consultation company (that will have its feature soon enough *wink wink*). But her natural Body Butter is all her own. Read her bio below, contact her directly for products. I present… E'lon!

"My name is E’Lon.  I am a daughter, girlfriend, student, friend, business owner and lover of all things natural.  I love to read, write, eat, volunteer and enjoy everything life and living in the city has to offer.  Most of my friends call me a gypsy because of my free spirit and inability to be boxed in by anything.  In this spirit, I embraced a love for my natural hair after finishing college and haven’t looked back since.  Currently, I am starting my own hair and body care company that focused on skin and hair health.   Natural hair does not equal healthy hair and I have created products that can be used regardless of hair type or process.  Currently I am only selling one product, which is a hair and body butter.   Now, the hair and body butter is an all natural homemade product that has superb moisturizing properties.  The butter’s core ingredients are shea butter and coconut oil.  There are several oils and butters that complement it, such as:  avocado oil, avocado butter, grapeseed oil, Jamaican black castor oil, jojoba oil and pumpkin seed butter.  Although my Etsy shop is not operational yet, my kitchen shop is J  so anyone who wants to place an order is welcome.  I can be contacted at crownandglory@me.com. "

Peep The fro hawk!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Paul Mitchell Curls Line Review

Sorry about the sound, YouTube don't respect me.


Staple Alert

I've said before on the blog i don't have many staples. My hair changes often, and therefore, so do my products. However, one thing has always been in my arsenal. Jamaican Black Castor Oil.

I have been using this product for years for multiple purposes. Its known to thicken hair. I use it as a night treatment on my eyelashes. I have thin hair so therefore thin eyelashes. It cause my eyelashes to clump no matter what mascara I used. However, whenever i put a drop on my finger and rub on my lashes at night before bed, noticed a significant change in the shine and thickness of my lashes…

But on to the hair. I love a bun. Thats my staple protective style (yea, I am a lazy natural). A sleek bun can have some serious side effects, i.e.: thinning edges. I refuse have no edges. RE-FUSE. So, I bought this bottle to rub on my edges at night, and got a chance to discover all the great things it can do.

So here is my list of benefits with this one bottle of Jamaican Black Castor Oil!

  • Stimulates and increases hair growth
  • Reduces and prevents hair damage
  • Eliminates dry hair
  • Prevents dandruff
  • Wards off infections that causes hair loss
  • Thickens hair that is starting to thin out
  • Thickens eyelashes and eyebrows
  • Boost your hair’s overall health!
  • Softens thick calluses and removes corns
  • Cures skin infections like athlete’s foot and ringworm
  • Prevents stretch marks
  • Removes moles and warts
  • Removes age spots (liver spots)
  • Cures acne
  • Keeps the skin looking smooth, youthful and unlined
  • Breaks up external and internal scar tissue, and prevents new scars from forming
  • Soothes shingles

So, when you buy this oil, use it as a hot oil pretreatment. Use it to moisturize ends during winter months after they get brittle from rubbing on wool coats and thick cotton scarves. Dip a clean eyelash brush in it and run through eyelashes. Use it as a sealant. Add it too your deep conditioner for a boost of moisture. At about $5-$8 a bottle… don't care what you use it for...JUST USE IT.

Keep It Cute.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Is your Birth Control making you BALD?

Hope this post meets everyone in good spirits. I’ve said before this blog was born from the labor pains of my own experiences, and this is one I noticed recently and went into heavy research on. Birth Control.

I had been on birth control (pills and ring) for 7+ years. My hair didn’t grow as long as quick as it used to when I was in high school but I thought that it was from the excessive coloring and perming (which I am sure was a BIG factor). However, even after going natural, I wasn’t seeing the results I had hoped for, and nothing close to my high school days length. Last January, I made the decision to get off birth control. Currently, my hair has been the longest it’s been in the past 7 years. It’s flourished! I do attribute a lot of it to my hair care regimen, but I always said in the back of my mind, something had to be different.
Low and behold, the birth controls gods started to reel me back in, and during my research for the best brand for my body, I noticed the side affects hair loss
Wait… * BBM Confused Face *
Hair loss, by this little pill? No. Couldn’t be. But sure enough, right there in front of me, on the world wide web… pages upon pages upon pages of research and studies saying that birth control is a factor in hair loss with women.
Did you know that? Because I didn’t.
Hair loss triggered by the pill varies. In some cases, the loss is minimal. Other times, it can be drastic. And here is a little wrench in the plan… Hair loss may not occur until after a woman has stopped taking the pill. SMH.  While the pill is safe, women whose family histories include hair loss need to be prepared that taking the pill could cause them to lose their hair. Knowing this, women can make better and more informed decisions about how to approach birth control.
So now the question is posed… What the hell can I do?

There are DOZENS of brands and types of oral contraceptives on the market. Those with what is called a low androgen index are less likely to cause hair loss. Women concerned about the possibility of hair loss as a side effect of using The Pill should ask their doctors about low-androgen index.
For a quick reference, here is a list of pills from the lowest androgen to the Highest (taken from http://www.americanhairloss.org/):

Desogen, Ortho-Cept, Ortho-Cyclen, Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Micronor, Nor-Q D, Ovcon-35, Brevicon/Modicon, Ortho Norvum 7/7/7, Ortho Novum 10-11, Tri-Norinyl, Norinyl and Ortho 1/35, Demulen 1/35, Triphasil/Tri-Levien, Nordette, Lo/Ovral, Ovrette, Ovral, Loestrin1/20, Loestrin 1.5/30.
If you don’t see you brand on there, its probably because its has an even higher androgen index. If you have notices a change in your hair, you might want to reconsider changing brands.
The following hormonal contraceptives have a significant potential of causing or aggravating hair loss:
Progestin Implants- Implants, such as Norplant, are small rods implanted surgically beneath the skin, usually on the upper arm.
Hormone Injections- Progestin injections, such as Depo-Provera.
Skin Patch- The skin patch (Ortho Evra).
Vaginal Ring- The vaginal ring (NuvaRing).

NOTE- Any medication or therapy that changes a woman's hormones, not just birth control, can trigger hair loss in anyone who takes them.
If you are on birth control, make sure you take the time to research, and observe your hairs reaction. Changing the pill’s brand wont cause any problems with preventing pregnancy (IF done exactly as laid out by direction and your OB/GYN). However, a small change may make a big difference!
You don’t have to choose between being bald or being pregnant! Unless you Amber Rose who looks amazing as both.

Hope this gave you ladies something to think about! Stay informed so your hair can stay on your head!

A Girl Should be two things, Classy and Fabulous”- Coco Chanel

Keep it Cute Ladies!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sweet Kisses…(Mary Kay Nourishine Lipgloss review)

So, Ive said this before. I am a lip color addict. Especially a gloss. Lord knows I love a gloss. Mac glosses are my favorite and its like Christmas every time a new collection comes out.

However, Ive also said before… I. Am. Broke!

So I am always looking for lip glosses that are good quality and can save a bit of money. I had the PLEASURE (yes… this is a positive review) of stumbling across Mary Kay Nourishine.

*Note- I was NOT paid or even given anything free for this review. I paid for this product and this is my honest opinion*

 Yes! Mary Kay. This is definitely not the Mary Kay I remember my mom and grandma searching through those catalogues searching for bug sprays and face lotions. I was given a Mar Kay facial for free and the Nourishine was brought to my attention. I was looking for an everyday lipgloss in a neutral yet impacting color. I was immediately was drawn to their Cafe Au Lait. Its very close to my tone but it looked great on and was very visible and not too sheer.

Cafe Au Lait (please ignore the wet poodle hair, I'm doing a hair product review at the same time)

So, the important stuff:


I LOVE the way this product feels. My only gripe with Mac glosses are that they are so damn sticky. I remember I went to go visit this guy I used to date. My makeup was ON POINT. I had on one of my favorite Mac glosses which he had mentioned before randomly that made my lips look luscious (yes I was gassed, and the lip color was Culture FYI). He leaned in with his sexy self, and gave me a kiss on my lips… in public which was completely unexpected. I was floating on air… until he then stepped back… AND WIPED THE KISS OFF WITH THE BACK OF HIS HAND LIKE A FOUR YEAR OLD!!! I was so confused… standing there with the dumb face like O_O. He goes… "Why your lips so damn sticky?" I. Was. Mortified. I vowed then I needed a solution.

I use a lip balm underneath my Mac glosses to counteract some of the stickiness (when I say lip balm I mean the hood blue blister from the corner store). That is absolutely not needed with this product. It goes on smooth and is not sticky at all. The colors are visible and they have a good variety of color. I tired on other colors and liked almost all of them i tried, but settled on this since I was on a budget.


Speaking of budget… the only con to this product is that it only saves you a dollar per tube. Its is $14 while Mac glosses are $15.

Is it worth it though? YES. The comfort of the gloss and the opportunity to avoid another sticky situation (yes, i actually laughed at that joke), makes the $14 very very worth it.


If you are not sure where to even start to buy MaryKay products, feel free to reach out to Seriah at seriah@gmail.com. She is very helpful and will definitely make sure to answer any questions you have (plus she is a Temple alum!)

A Girl Should be two things, Classy and Fabulous”- Coco Chanel

Keep it Cute Ladies!
